Monday, July 29, 2013

Low blood Pressure

Low blood Pressure
Ailments & Remedies
Low blood pressure or hypo tension refers to the fall in blood pressure below normal. It is a condition in which the action of the heart, in forcing the blood through the arteries, is weak. This may be a direct outcome of a weakened and devitalized system. While the normal limits are defined by the World Health Organisation as 140 mm / gh systolic and 90 mm/gh diastolic, it has now been reduced to 120 mm/gh systolic and 80 mm/gh diastolic in the US. Anything above that is high blood pressure or hypertension. Anything below is the low blood pressure.
The patient with chronic low blood pressure may complain of lethargy, weakness, fatigue, and dizziness. The patient may faint, especially if arterial pressure is lowered further when he assumes an erect position. These symptoms are presumably due to a decrease in per fusion of blood to brain, heart, skeletal muscle and other organs. Symptoms like depressions below eyes, drying of lips, hair fall, insomnia, inferiority complex will develop.
Root causes:
Low B.P (Blood Pressure) occurs due to lack of appetite, weakness of dhatus, and reduction of fat. The most important cause of low blood pressure is faulty nutrition .It makes the tissues forming the walls of the blood vessels over relaxed, and flabby or stretched. This results in less supply of oxygen and nutrients to the tissues. Malnutrition can result from a diet deficient in calories, proteins, vitamin C, or almost any one of the B vitamins.

Sometimes the blood pressure falls rapidly because of loss of blood. Low blood pressure may also develop gradually because of slow bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, or bladder. Emotional problems are a far more frequent cause of low blood pressure. To a laser degree, prolonged disappointments and frustration may result in a subnormal blood pressure.

Herbal Home recipe to control low BP

Remedy using basil leaves and honey:
1. Crush 15 thoroughly washed basil leaves
2. Place it on a sieve and extract its juice
3. Add 1 tsp of honey to this juice
4. Mix well
5. Drink 2 times a day

Recipe Remedy using raisins:
1. Soak 10-15 raisins overnight in water
2. Eat them on an empty stomach next morning
3. Follow this with 1 glass of water
4. Avoid eating or drinking anything for 1 hr after this

Recipe of Beetroot
Drink 1 cup raw beetroot juice twice a day
Salt is useful in curing low blood pressure
Drink 1 glass, lukewarm water mixed with ½ tsp salt once everyday
However do this only till pressure reaches to normal
Drink a cup of black tea. Caffeine helps to increase the blood pressure.

Ginger juice: 1 sp
Lemon juice: 1 sp
Mix both and take one hour before food in the morning and night.
Low B.P. due to lack of appetite will be eliminated.

Dry grapes: 20
Anjeer/Anjur (Figs): 2 Nos.
Dry kharjur (dry dates): 1 No.
Wash the above and soak in half glass water over night. Early in the morning chew the soaked dry fruits one by one and drink the soaked water. Do not eat breakfast/food till one hour.
Depression and dark circles below eyes, depression of cheeks will be eliminated and blood will increase.

Tomatoes: 5 (small)
Carrot : 1 No
Beet root : 1 piece
Cut the above into pieces and spray candy sugar powder and little honey before eating. This has to be taken between 4 to 5 p.m.

Soak 32 dry grapes in drinking water over night. Early in the morning eat the grapes one by one slowly and drink the water.

Take ginger juice 1 spoon added to 1 spoon honey two times a day one hour before food.

Add 1 spoon honey to 1 cup carrot juice and take it in the evening.

Eat one pomegranate before sleep. Low B.P. problem subsides.

Indian Spinnaker
Epsom Salt Bath

            Ayurveda Supplements   (buy from market)
             Stress Guard                               
                Ashwagandha Churna                
Ashwagandharish ta  

The treatment for low blood pressure should aim at rejuvenation of the whole system .To begin with, the patient should adopt a well balanced diet with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, should add milk, meat, or fish and egg in the diet. Also add grains and vegetable with plenty of salad.

Basic Breathing (Pranayama)
The Shoulder Stand (Sarvang Asana)
The Corpse Pose (Shava Asana) 
Sulabha Bhastrika 

These remedies are based on the principles of Ayurveda, the ancient Indian science of healing, and are completely natural, non-invasive, and can be prepared at home. Consult your doctor if the symptoms persist.  Refer to the terms of use.


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