Tuesday, August 30, 2011


True History of Great Congress Politicians…Please read. It will take your 5 minutes but you will come to know who are ruling our Country INDIA…..

The Nehru-Gandhi dynasty starts with the Mughal man named Ghiyasuddin Ghazi.
He was the City Kotwal i.e. police officer of Delhi prior to the uprising of 1857, under the Mughal rule.

After capturing Delhi in 1857, in the year of the mutiny, the British were slaughtering all Mughals everywhere. The British made a thorough search and killed every Mughal so that there were no future claimant to the throne of Delhi.
The Hindus on the other hand were not targeted by the British unless isolated Hindus were found to be siding with the Mughals, due to past associations. Therefore, it became customary for many Mohammedans to adopt Hindu names. So, the man Ghiyasuddin Ghazi (the word means kafir-killer) adopted a Hindu name Gangadhar Nehru and thus saved his life by the subterfuge. Ghiyasuddin Ghazi apparently used to reside on the bank of a canal (or Nehr) near the Red Fort.

Thus, he adopted the name ‘Nehru’ as the family name. Through out the world, we do not find any descendant other than that of Gangadhar, having the surname Nehru. The 13th volume of the “Encyclopedia of Indian War of Independence” (ISBN:81-261-3745-9) by M.K. Singh states it elaborately. The Government of India have been hiding this fact.

City Kotwal was an important post like today’s Commissioner of Police. It appears from Mughal records that there was no Hindu Kotwal employed. It was extremely unlikely for a Hindu to be hired for that post. Compulsorily only Mohammedans of foreign ancestry were hired for such important posts.

Jawaharlal Nehru's second sister Krishna Hutheesing also mentions in her memoirs that her grandfather was the city Kotwal of Delhi prior to 1857’s uprising when Bahadur Shah Zafar was still the sultan of Delhi. Jawaharlal Nehru, in his autobiography, states that he have seen a picture of his grandfather which portrays him like a Mughal nobleman. In that picture it appears that he was having long & very thick beard, wearing a Muslim cap and was having two swords in his hands. Jawaharlal Nehru also states in his autobiography that on their way to Agra (a seat of Mughal influence) from Delhi, the members of his grand father’s family were detained by the British. The reason for the detention was their Mughal features. They however pleaded that they were Kashmiri Pandits and thus got away. The Urdu literature of the 19th century, especially the works of Khwaja Hasan Nizami, are full of the miseries that the Mughals and Mohammedans have to face then. They also describe how Mughals escaped to other cities to save their lives. In all probability, Jawahar Nehru's Mughal grandfather and his family were among them.
Jawaharlal Nehru was a person that India adores. He was undoubtedly a very sound politician and a gifted individual. But, the Government of India has not built a memorial of Jawaharlal Nehru at his birth place 77 Mirganj in Allahabad, because it is a brothel. The entire locality is a well known red light area since long. It has not become a brothel recently, but it has been a brothel even before Jawaharlal Nehru’s birth. A portion of the same house was sold by his father Motilal Nehru to a prostitute named Lali Jaan and it came to be known as “Imambada”. If you have some doubt, you may visit the place. Several dependable sources and also encyclopedia.com & Wikipedia say this.
Motilal Nehru along with his family, later shifted to Anand Bhawan. Remember that Anand Bhawan is Jawaharlal Nehru’s ancestral house and not his birth place.

M. O. Mathai of Indian Civil Service served as the Private Secretary to Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru. Mathai has written a book “Reminiscences of the Nehru Age” (ISBN-13: 9780706906219).In the book Mathai reveals that there was intense love affair between Jawaharlal Nehru and Edwina Mountbatten (wife of the last Viceroy to India, Louis Mountbatten). The romance was a source of great embarrassment for Indira Gandhi, who used to seek Maulana Abul Kalam Azad’s help in persuading her father to be little discreet about their relationship.

Nehru with lady Mountbatten (see pic)

Also Nehru had love affair with Sarojini Naidu’s daughter Padmaja Naidu, whom Nehru got appointed as the Governor of Bengal. It is revealed that he used to keep her portrait in his bed room, which Indira would often remove. It caused some tension between father and daughter.

Apart from these ladies, Pandit Nehru had an affair with a sanyasin from Benares named Shraddha Mata. She was an attractive Sanskrit scholar well versed in the ancient Indian scriptures and mythology. When she conceived out of their illicit relationship, in 1949, in a convent in Bangalore, she insisted that Nehru should marry her. But, Nehru declined that because it could affect his political career. A son was born and he was kept at a Christian Missionary Boarding School. His date of birth is estimated to be 30th May, 1949. He may be in his early sixties now. Convents in such matters maintain secrecy to prevent humiliation of the child. Though Mathai confirmed the existence of the child, no efforts have ever been made to locate him. He must have grown up as a Catholic Christian blissfully ignorant of who his father was.

Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose and Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee were competitors of Jawaharlal Nehru for the post of Prime Minister of India and both of them died under mysterious circumstances.

Knowing all these facts, is there any meaning of celebrating Nehru’s birthday as Children’s Day? Presenting him as a different person to our children and hiding the truth, amounts to denying education to them.
As per the book “The great divide: Muslim separatism and partition” (ISBN-13:9788121205917) by S.C. Bhatt— Jawaharlal Nehru’s sister Vijaya Lakshmi eloped with her father’s employee Syud Hussain. Then Motilal Nehru forcefully took her back and got her married with another man named Ranjit Pandit.
Indira Priyadarshini perpetuated immorality in the Nehru dynasty. Intellectual Indira was admitted in Oxford University but driven out from there for non-performance. She was then admitted to Shantiniketan University but, Guru Dev Rabindranath Tagore chased her out for bad conduct.

After driven out of Shantiniketan, Indira became lonely as father was busy with politics and mother was dieing of tuberculosis in Switzerland. Playing with her loneliness, Feroze Khan, son of a grocer named Nawab Khan who supplied wines etc to Motilal Nehru’s household in Allahabad, was able to draw close to her. The then Governor of Maharashtra, Dr. Shriprakash warned Nehru, that Indira was having an illicit relation with Feroze Khan. Feroze Khan was then in England and he was quite sympathetic to Indira. Soon enough she changed her religion, became a Muslim woman and married Feroze Khan in a London mosque. Indira Priyadarshini Nehru changed her name to Maimuna Begum. Her mother Kamala Nehru was totally against that marriage. Nehru was not happy as conversion to Muslim will jeopardize her prospect of becoming Prime Minister.

So, Nehru asked the young man Feroze Khan to change his surname from Khan to Ghandy. It had nothing to do with change of religion from Islam to Hinduism. It was just a case of a change of name by an affidavit. And so Feroze Khan became Feroze Ghandy, though it is an inconsistent name like Bismillah Sarma. Both changed their names to fool the public of India. When they returned to India, a mock vedic marriage was instituted for public consumption. On Gandhiji's advice the spelling was changed from GHANDY to GANDHI (its a pity how the change of a little spelling in a name can change the history of a nation). Thus, Indira and her descendants got the fancy name Gandhi. Both Nehru and Gandhi are fancy names. As a chameleon changes its colour, this dynasty have been changing its name to hide its real identity.

Indira Gandhi had two sons namely Rajiv Gandhi and Sanjay Gandhi. Sanjay was originally named as Sanjiv that rhymed with Rajiv, his elder brother's name. Sanjiv was arrested by the British police for a car theft in the UK and his passport was seized. On Indira Gandhi’s direction, the then Indian Ambassador to UK, Krishna Menon misusing his power, changed his name to Sanjay and procured a new passport. Thus Sanjiv Gandhi came to be known as Sanjay Gandhi.

It is a known fact that after Rajiv's birth, Indira Gandhi and Feroze Gandhi lived separately, but they were not divorced. The book “The Nehru Dynasty” (ISBN 10:8186092005) by K. N. Rao states that the second son of Indira (or Mrs. Feroze Khan) known as Sanjay Gandhi was not the son of Feroze Gandhi. He was the son of another Muslim gentleman named Mohammad Yunus.

Interestingly Sanjay Gandhi's marriage with the Sikh girl Menaka took place in Mohammad Yunus’ house in New Delhi. Apparently Yunus was unhappy with the marriage as he wanted to get him married with a Muslim girl of his choice. It was Mohammad Yunus who cried the most when Sanjay Gandhi died in plane crash. In Yunus’ book, “Persons, Passions & Politics” (ISBN-10: 0706910176) one can discover that baby Sanjay was circumcised following Islamic custom.

It is a fact that Sanjay Gandhi used to constantly blackmail his mother Indira Gandhi, with the secret of who his real father is. Sanjay exercised a deep emotional control over his mother, which he often misused. Indira Gandhi chose to ignore his misdeeds and he was indirectly controlling the Government.

When the news of Sanjay Gandhi's death reached Indira Gandhi, her first question was “Where are his keys and his wrist watch?”. Some deep secrets about the Nehru-Gandhi dynasty seems to be hidden in those objects.The plane accident was also mysterious. It was a new plane that nosedive to a crash and yet the plane did not explode upon impact. It happens when there is no fuel. But the flight register shows that the fuel tank was made full before take-off. Indira Gandhi using undue influence of PM’s office prohibited any inquiry from taking place. So, who is the suspect?

Indira and Sanjay Gandhi

The book “The Life of Indira Nehru Gandhi” (ISBN: 9780007259304) by Katherine Frank sheds light on some of Indira Gandhi’s other love affairs. It is written that Indira’s first love was with her German teacher at Shantiniketan. Later she had affair with M. O. Mathai (father’s secretary), then Dhirendra Brahmachari (her yoga teacher) and at last with Dinesh Singh (Foreign Minister).

Former Foreign Minister K Natwar Singh made an interesting revelation about Indira Gandhi's affinity to the Mughals in his book “Profile and Letters” (ISBN: 8129102358). It states that- In 1968 Indira Gandhi as the Prime Minister of India went on an official visit to Afghanistan. Natwar Sing accompanied her as an IFS officer in duty. After having completed the day's long engagements, Indira Gandhi wanted to go out for a ride in the evening. After going a long distance in the car, Indira Gandhi wanted to visit Babur's burial place, though this was not included in the itinerary. The Afghan security officials tried to dissuade her, but she was adamant. In the end she went to that burial place. It was a deserted place. She went before Babur's grave, stood there for a few minutes with head bent down in reverence. Natwar Singh stood behind her. When Indira had finished her prayers, she turned back and told Singh “Today we have had our brush with history.” Worth to mention that Babur was the founder of Mughal rule in India, from which the Nehru-Gandhi dynasty have descended.
It is difficult to count how many institutes of higher education are named after Rajiv Gandhi but, Rajiv Gandhi himself was a person of low caliber. From 1962 to 1965, he was enrolled for a Mechanical Engineering course at Trinity College, Cambridge. But, he left Cambridge without a degree because, he could not pass exams. Next year in 1966, he joined Imperial College, London but, again left it without a degree.

K. N. Rao in the above said book alleges that Rajiv Gandhi became a Catholic to marry Sania Maino. Rajiv became Roberto. His son's name is Raul and daughter's name is Bianca. Quite cleverly the same names are presented to the people of India as Rahul and Priyanka.

In personal conduct Rajiv was very much a Mughal. On 15th August 1988 he thundered from the ramparts of the Red Fort: “Our endeavor should be to take the country to heights to which it belonged about 250-300 years ago. It was then the reign of Aurangzeb, the ‘jeziya’ master and number one temple destroyer.”

The press conference that Rajiv Gandhi gave in London after taking over as prime minister of India was very informative. In this press conference, Rajiv boasted that he is not a Hindu but a Parsi. Feroze Khan’s father and Rajiv Gandhi's paternal grandfather was a Muslim gentleman from the Junagadh area of Gujarat. This Muslim grocer by the name of Nawab Khan had married a Parsi woman after converting her to Islam. This is the source where from the myth of Rajiv being a Parsi was derived. Mind that he had no Parsi ancestor at all. His paternal grandmother had turned Muslim after having abandoned the Parsi religion to marry Nawab Khan. Surprisingly, Parsi ? Rajiv Gandhi was cremated as per Vedic rites in full view of Indian public.
Dr. Subramanian Swamy writes that Sonia Gandhi’s name was Antonia Maino. Her father was a mason. He was an activist of the notorious fascist regime of Italy and he served five years imprisonment in Russia. Sonia Gandhi have not studied beyond high school. She learnt some English from a English teaching shop named Lennox School at the Cambridge University campus. From this fact she boasts of having studied at the prestigious Cambridge University. After learning some English, she was a waitress at a restaurant in Cambridge town.

Sonia Gandhi had intense friendship with Madhavrao Scindia in the UK, which continued even after her marriage. One night at 2 AM in 1982, Madhavrao Scindia and Sonia Gandhi were caught alone together when their car met an accident near IIT Delhi main gate.

When Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi were Prime Ministers, PM’s security used to go to New Delhi and Chennai international airports to send crates of Indian treasures like temple sculptures, antiques, paintings etc to Rome. Arjun Singh as CM and later as Union Minister in charge of Culture used to organize the plunder. Unchecked by customs, they were transported to Italy to be sold in two shops named Etnica & Ganpati, owned by Sonia Gandhi’s sister Alessandra Maino Vinci.

Indira Gandhi died not because her heart or brain were pierced by bullets, but she died of loss of blood. After Indira Gandhi was fired upon, Sonia Gandhi strangely insisted that bleeding Indira Gandhi should be taken to Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital, in opposite direction to AIIMS which had a contingency protocol to precisely deal with such events. After reaching Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital, Sonia Gandhi changed her mind and demand that Indira Gandhi should be taken to AIIMS, thus wasting 24 valuable minutes. It is doubtful whether it was immaturity of Sonia Gandhi or a trick to speedily bring her husband to power.

Rajesh Pilot and Madhav Rao Scindia were strong contenders to the Prime Minister’s post and they were road blocks in Sonia Gandhi’s way to power. Both of them died in mysterious accidents.

There are circumstantial evidences pointing to the prima facie possibility that the Maino family have contracted LTTE to kill Rajiv Gandhi. Now a days, Sonia Gandhi is quite unabashed in having political alliance with those like MDMK, PMK and DMK who praise Rajiv Gandhi’s killers. No Indian widow would ever do that. Such circumstances are many, and raise a doubt. An investigation into Sonia’s involvement in Rajiv’s assassination is necessary. You may read Dr. Subramanian Swamy’s book “Assassination Of Rajiv Gandhi — Unasked Questions and Unanswered Queries” (ISBN : 81-220-0591-8). It contains indications of such conspiracy.
In 1992, Sonia Gandhi revived her citizenship of Italy under Article 17 of the Italian Citizenship Law.itizenship Law. Under Italian law, Rahul and Priyanka are Italian citizens because Sonia was an Italian citizen when she gave birth to them. Rahul Gandhi’s Italian is better than his Hindi. Rahul Gandhi is an Italian citizen is relevant from the fact that on 27th September 2001 he was detained by the FBI at Boston airport, USA for traveling on an Italian passport. If a law is made in India that important posts like that of President and Prime Minister should not be held by a person of foreign origin, then Rahul Gandhi automatically disqualifies to contend for the post of Prime Minister.
After finishing school education, Rahul Gandhi got admission at the St. Stephens College in New Delhi, not on merit basis but on sports quota of rifle shooting. After a brief stay there in 1989-90, he did his BA from Rollins College, Florida in 1994. Just for doing BA one need not go to the US. The very next year, in 1995 he got M.Phil. degree from Trinity College, Cambridge. The genuineness of this degree is questioned as he has done M.Phil. without doing MA. Amaratya Sen’s helping hand is thought to be behind. Many of you might have seen the famous movie “Munna Bhai MBBS”.

In 2008 Rahul Gandhi was prevented from using an auditorium of the Chandra Shekhar Azad University in Kanpur for a students’ rally. Subsequently, the Vice-Chancellor of the university, V.K. Suri, was ousted by the UP Governor. During 26/11 when the whole country was tense about how to tackle the Mumbai terror, Rahul Gandhi was lavishly partying with his friends till 5 AM. Rahul Gandhi advises austerity for all Congress members. He says it is the duty of all politicians to be austere. On the other hand he has a ministerial bungalow with a fully equipped gym. He is a regular member of at least two of the Delhi’s poshest gyms, one of which is 5-star rated. Rahul Gandhi’s trip to Chennai in 2009 to campaign for austerity cost the party more than Rs 1 Crore. Such inconsistencies show that initiatives taken by Rahul Gandhi are not his own but, workout of his party men only.

During the 2007 election campaign in Uttar Pradesh, Rahul Gandhi said that “if anyone from the Nehru-Gandhi family had been active in politics then, the Babri Masjid would not have fallen”. It doubtlessly shows his Mohammedan affiliation as a loyalty to his ancestors. On Dec 31, 2004, John M. Itty, a retired college professor in Alappuzha district of Kerala, contended that action should be taken against Rahul Gandhi and his girlfriend Juvenitta alias Veronica for staying together for three days at a resort in Kerela. It is a criminal offense under Immoral Trafficking Act as they are not married. Anyway, one more foreigner daughter-in-law is waiting to rule the tolerant Indians.

Rahul Gandhi withVeronica
The Swiss magazine Schweizer Illustrierte’s 11th November 1991 issue revealed that Rahul Gandhi was the beneficiary of accounts worth US $2 billion controlled by his mother Sonia Gandhi. A report from the Swiss Banking Association in 2006 revealed that the combined deposits of Indian citizens are far greater than any other nation, a total of US $1.4 trillion, a figure exceeding the GDP of India. This dynasty rules greater than half of India. Ignoring the center, out of 28 states and 7 union territories, more than half of them have Congress government at any point of time. Upto Rajiv Gandhi there was Mughal rule in India, with Sonia Gandhi, the Rome rule on India have started.

The objective behind writing this article is to acquaint the citizens of India with their national leaders and show how a dynasty has misused the democracy of this country. Several prestigious national assets and schemes are named after these lose-character people to immortalize them. Many other shocking facts are not presented in this article because of lack of supporting evidence.

Vande mataram.


Extracts from other sources-

There are allegations that in the night of 3rd December 2006, Rahul Gandhi along with his foreigner friends gang raped then twenty four year old Sukanya Devi at a VIP Guest House in Amethi. She is the daughter of Balram Singh & Sumitra Devi of 23-12 Medical Choke, Sanjay Gandhi Marg, Amethi, Raebareli, Uttar Pradesh. Police refused to register complaint; the National Commission for Women headed by Dr. Girija Vyas acted as a Congress party office. The victim and her family is missing since then.


MOTILAL married and his first wife and son died at childbirth.

MOTILAL and his second wife THUSSU (name changed to SWAROOP RANI) had three children

THUSSU with MOBARAK ALI (Motilal's Boss) was the first son JAWAHAR LAL NEHRU (he was circumcised)

MOTILAL AND THUSSU had two daughters by name NAN (also called Vijaya Lakshmi) & KRISHNA

MOTILAL had also two bastard sons out of Muslim women by name SHEIK ABDULLA &SYUD HUSSAIN


VIJAYA LAKSHMI eloped with SYUD HUSSAIN (half brother and sister) and had a girl CHANDRALEKHA


JAWAHARLAL NEHRU married KAMALA KAUL (marriage never consummated)

JAWAHARLAL had an affair with SARADDHA MATA (assumed name) and had a son given away to an orphanage in BANGALORE

JAWAHARLAL had an affair with LADY MOUNTBATTEN but no children


KAMALA KAUL had an affair with MANZUR ALI (who is son of Mobark Ali who fathered Nehru also) and their daughter is INDIRA PRIYADARSINI NEHRU

KAMALA KAUL had an affair with FEROZ KHAN (son of Nawab Khan who supplied liquor to their house) but no children


INDIRA was found in the bed with her GERMAN TEACHER at Shantiniketan

INDIRA PRIYADARSINI nikhahed as per Islamic rites FEROZ KHAN after converting herself to Islam. Her new name was MAIMUNA BEGUM and both had changed their name to fool the public of India on the advice of Gandhi by an affidavit in a court to INDIRA GANDHI and FEROZ GANDHI

INDIRA and FEROZ had one son by name RAJIV GHANDI (as per Islamic rites he was circumcised)

INDIRA had an affair with MOHAMMED YOUNUS and had a second son SANJIV GHANDI (later the name changed to SANJAY GHANDI to escape prosecution in UK for car theft. He was circumcised as per Islamic rites)

INDIRA had an affair with M.O. MATHAI (Nehru's steno) and a son was aborted

INDIRA had an affair with DHIRENDRA BRAMMACHARI but no children

INDIRA had an affair with DHINESH SINGH but no children

FEROZ had an affair with TARAKESWARI SINHA

FEROZ had an affair with MEHMUNA SULTANA

FEROZ had an affair with SUBHADRA JOSHI and many others.


Blog Posted By: hind today news on:8/3/2011 10:37:46 PM
Editor's note: The contents of this article are not independently verified by HIND TODAY. In case you agree/disagree please feel free to post as a comment.
Enclosed picture no 1.Pandit Nehru, 2.Jawahar lal Nehru and Lady Mountbatten, 3. Sonia Gandhi young, 4.Rahul Gandhi with girlfriend Juvenitta alias Veronica, 5.Indra-Sanjay

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Being a Muslim woman:

This was written by a woman born in Egypt as a Muslim. Make sure you read the paragraph (in red) towards the end.

Joys of Muslim Women
by Nonie Darwish
In the Muslim faith a Muslim man can marry a child as young as 1 year old and have sexual intimacy with this child, consummating the marriage by 9. The dowry is given to the family in exchange for the woman (who becomes his slave) and for the purchase of the private parts of the woman, to use her as a toy.

Even though a woman is abused she can not obtain a divorce.
To prove rape, the woman must have (4) male witnesses.
Often after a woman has been raped, she is returned to her family and the family must return the dowry. The family has the right to execute her (an honour killing) to restore the honour of the family. Husbands can beat their wives 'at will' and the man does not have to say why he has beaten her.

The husband is permitted to have 4 wives and a temporary wife for an hour (prostitute) at his discretion.

The Shariah Muslim law controls the private as well as the public life of the woman.

In the Western World (UK) Muslim men are starting to demand Shariah Law so the wife can not obtain a divorce and he can have full and complete control of her. It is amazing and alarming how many of our sisters and daughters attending American Universities are now marrying Muslim men and submitting themselves and their children unsuspectingly to the Shariah law.By passing this on, enlightened women may avoid becoming a slave under Shariah Law.Ripping the West in Two. Author and lecturer Nonie Darwish says the goal of radical Islamists is to impose Shariah law on the world, ripping Western law and liberty in two.She recently authored the book, Cruel and Usual Punishment: The Terrifying Global Implications of Islamic Law.Darwish was born in Cairo and spent her childhood in Egypt and Gaza before immigrating to America in 1978, when she was eight years old. Her father died while leading covert attacks on Israel . He was a high-ranking Egyptian military officer stationed with his family in Gaza .When he died, he was considered a "shahid," a martyr for jihad. His posthumous status earned Nonie and her family an elevated position in Muslim society.But Darwish developed a sceptical eye at an early age. She questioned her own Muslim culture and upbringing. She converted to Christianity after hearing a Christian preacher on television.In her latest book, Darwish warns about creeping Shariah law - what it is, what it means, and how it is manifested in Islamic countries?For the West, she says radical Islamists are working to impose Shariah on the world. If that happens, Western civilization will be destroyed. Westerners generally assume all religions encourage a respect for the dignity of each individual. Islamic law (Shariah) teaches that non-Muslims should be subjugated or killed in this world.Peace and prosperity for one's children is not as important as assuring that Islamic law rules everywhere in the Middle East and eventually in the world.While Westerners tend to think that all religions encourage some form of the golden rule, Shariah teaches two systems of ethics - one for Muslims and another for non-Muslims. Building on tribal practices of the seventh century, Sharia encourages the side of humanity that wants to take from and subjugate others.While Westerners tend to think in terms of religious people developing a personal understanding of and relationship with God, Sharia advocates executing people who ask difficult questions that could be interpreted as criticism.It's hard to imagine, that in this day and age, Islamic scholars agree that those who criticize Islam or choose to stop being Muslim should be executed. Sadly, while talk of an Islamic reformation is common and even assumed by many in the West, such murmurings in the Middle East are silenced through intimidation.While Westerners are accustomed to an increase in religious tolerance over time, Darwish explains how petro dollars are being used to grow an extremely intolerant form of political Islam in her native Egypt and elsewhere.In twenty years there will be enough Muslim voters in the U.K. to elect the Prime Minister by themselves! Rest assured they will do so... You can look at how they have taken over several towns in the USA ... Dearborn Michigan , is one... and there are others...I think everyone in the USA , Australia , UK , should be required to read this, but with the ACLU there is no way this will be widely publicised unless each of us sends it on!It is too bad that so many are disillusioned with life and Christianity to accept Muslims as peaceful. Some may be but they have an army that is willing to shed blood in the name of Islam. The peaceful support the warriors with their finances and own kind of patriotism to their religion. While America is getting rid of Christianity from all public sites and erasing God from the lives of children the Muslims are planning a great jihad on America .This is your chance to make a difference...! Pass it on to your email list or at least those you think will listen.

These are pictures not shown on American TV or in American Newspapers, but were forwarded by a Canadian who thought All Christians ought to know.

Mohammed married a six year old bride. But Islam has evolved in 1500 years. In Hamas land, in 2009, the brides are almost seven. Mass Muslim Marriage in Gaza450 Grooms Wed GIRLS Under Ten In Gaza By Paul L. Williams, Ph.D.Thelastcrusade! ..orgA gala event has occurred in Gaza . Hamas sponsored a mass wedding for four hundred and fifty couples. Most of the grooms were in their mid to late twenties; most of brides were under ten.Muslim dignitaries including Mahmud Zahar, a leader of Hamas, were on hand to congratulate the couples who took part in the carefully staged celebration.We are saying to the world and to America that you cannot deny us joy and happiness, Zahar told the grooms, all of whom were dressed in identical black suits and hailed from the nearby Jabalia refugee camp.Each groom received a gift of 500 dollars from Hamas. The pre-pubescent girls dressed in white gowns and adorned with garish make-up! , received bridal bouquets.We are presenting this wedding as a gift to our people who stood firm in the face of the siege and the war, Local Hamas strongman Ibrahim Salaf said in a speech.The wedding photos tell the rest of the sordid talThe International Center for Research on Women now estimates that there are 51 million child brides now living on planet earth and almost all in Muslim countries.Twenty-nine percent of these child brides are regularly beaten and molested by their husbands in Egypt ; twenty six percent receive similar abuse in Jordan .Every year, three million Muslim girls are subjected to genital mutilation, according to UNICEF. This practice has not been outlawed in many parts of America.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Beat diabetes with a wheat and rice free diet

Beat diabetes with a wheat and rice free diet
IANS | Aug 5, 2011, 12.47PM IST ( Times of India - Article )

Forget the much advertised cornflake or the humble roti and rice -- they can kill. Workday menus of Indians living in big cities are being redefined by the fear of proliferating diabetes brought on by stress and poor diet, say leading lifestyle doctors and diabeticians.

With India expected to be home to 80 per cent of the world's diabetic population by 2025, the buzzword is "low glycerin load foods". The glycemic index or GI is a measure of the effects of carbohydrate on blood sugar level.

Studies have proved that people who eat low-glycemic food over several years are less prone to type 2 diabetes and coronary heart diseases than those who love their morning platter of "parantha, poori and roti (Indian breads)" - the high glycemic delights.

"The meals should be kept free of flour, cornflakes, wheat and rice," Gaurav Sharma, a diabetologist, sports medicine and lifestyle doctor told us. They can kill with excess starch and gluten allergy, the newest wheat allergen on the pantry shelf which can aggravate the condition of diabetics.

"An ideal anti-diabetic breakfast, the most important meal of the day, should be a combination of eggs - fried, poached or scrambled in extra-virgin olive oil - accompanied by a tomato or mint dip followed by herbal or jasmine tea," he added.

Eggs do not increase cholesterol; the popular perception of eggs as a potential source of cholesterol is a myth, said the doctor who has treated several top sports persons including Kapil Dev.

Sharma, who has been practicing lifestyle medicine for the last two decades, has designed several anti-diabetes diet plans.

"Every Indian family with or without a history of diabetes must use at least three different varieties of cooking oils rich in the essential Omega-3 fatty acids, which help production of natural insulin," the doctor said.

"They can be olive oil, mustard oil, clarified butter, coconut oil or flax seed oil," he added.

Breakfast is ideally followed by a light snack of nuts and tea after two-three hours. Three hours on, lunch should be a spartan affair.

"Eat at least two platters of curried vegetables cooked in Omega 3 rich oil, a portion of 'paneer' or cottage cheese cooked in a light gravy of spices and tomatoes, chicken or mutton, the amount of which should not exceed the size of the palm for it corresponds to the size of the stomach," Sharma recommended.

According to the National Institute of Nutrition, "the shift from traditional to modern foods, changing cooking practices, increased intake of processed ready-to-eat foods, intensive marketing of junk food and health beverages have affected people's perceptions to food as well as their dietary behavior".

A study by the institute said: "The irrational preference for energy dense foods and those with high sugar and salt content pose a serious health risk."

Said nutrition expert Divya Sanglikar of Desidieter, a nutrition group: "The traditional Indian palette has always been considered healthy, second to Mediterranean food."

"But the fast-paced lifestyle and the boom in the food processing industry has been responsible for making people nutritionally lazy. Well-balanced 'thalis' (platters) are being replaced by takeaways and two-minute noodles, increasing the threat of diabetes and related complications," she added.

Diabetes-India.com, one of the oldest and the biggest online platforms campaigning for a diabetes-free life, advises that "traditional Indian diets with slight modifications are close to what is considered an ideal low diabetes diet".

"The basic advice is to avoid sugared foods," it prescribes.

The carbohydrate level should remain around 60-70 per cent of the total calorie intake by a diabetes patient, while proteins should make up 12-18 per cent of the total calories.

The portion of fats is best confined to 20-25 per cent of the total calories, the Diabetes-India diet plan says.

The diabetes picture in the country is grim, said Sharma, quoting a new study conducted by an organization in Chennai this year.

It revealed that Ernakulam topped the list of diabetes-ravaged cities with an incidence of 19.5 per cent, followed by Thiruvananthapuram with 17.5 per cent, Chennai 13.5 per cent, Bangalore 13.5 per cent and Delhi 10.5 per cent.

According to global statistics, one person dies every 10 seconds of diabetes-related illnesses and two new diabetes cases are identified every 10 seconds.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Adarsh Mehandru: Natural therapy for heart vein opening

Adarsh Mehandru: Natural therapy for heart vein opening: "Natural therapy for heart vein opening Very useful for Heart Blockage. For Heart Vein opening 1) Lemon juice 01 cup 2) Ginger juice ..."

Natural therapy for heart vein opening

Natural therapy for heart vein opening
Very useful for Heart Blockage.

For Heart Vein opening

1) Lemon juice 01 cup
2) Ginger juice 01 cup
3) Garlic juice 01 cup
4) Apple vinegar 01 cup

Mix all above and boil in light flame approximately half hour, when it becomes 3 cups, take it out and keep it for cooling. After cooling, mix 3 cups of natural honey and keep it in bottle.

Every morning before breakfast use one Table spoon regularly. Your blockage of Vein's will open.
(No need any Angiography or By pass)

Nature's wonder drug is a cheap way to beat obesity, cancer, asthma and more.
Top doctors have revealed that the combination of garlic, vinegar, and honey is a wonder drug that can cure everything from cancer to arthritis. Amazing studies from respected universities around the world prove the miracle home remedy that costs just pennies a day to make is a super way to fight just about any affliction. Experts have verified that this health-restoring trio of garlic, vinegar and honey can wipe out both common and uncommon ailments. Successes include ache, Alzheimer's disease, arthritis, high blood pressure, some forms of cancer, excessive cholesterol level, colds, flu, gas, and indigestion, headaches, heart and circulatory problems, hemorrhoids, infertility and impotence, toothaches, obesity, ulcers and many other diseases and conditions. In a study of arthritis victims Dr. Angus Peters of the University of Edinburgh’s Arthritis Research Institute found a daily dose of vinegar and honey reduced pains by 90%.
A daily dose of garlic and vinegar has proved to be a powerful

Fat destroyer and weight reducer, according to Dr Raymond Fish of London’s famous Obesity Research Centre.
The prestigious British medical journal Lancet reported that cholesterol levels plunged on average from231.4 to 224.4 after volunteers consumed 50 grams of garlic and four ounces of butter. The study proved the dangers associated with high fat foods can be neutralized by adding garlic to your diet. A study of 261 adult patients by the German Association of general Practitioners indicated that serum cholesterol and triglyceride level factors associated with the risk of heart disease are significantly reduced by regular use of garlic in the diet. Studies at Housing's MD Anderson Cancer Institute in Houston, the Pennsylvania State University and GCLA support earlier evidence that certain ingredients in garlic block agents the cancer of the breast, colon, esophagus and skin. The National Cancer Institute found in a study of 1,000 people that eating a lot of garlic is linked to a reduced risk of stomach cancer. Dr.Etik Block of the State university of New York at Albany has discovered garlic unleashes at least 100 sulfur producing components, all of which are powerful medicines.
There appears to be little doubt that this astounding remedy of garlic vinegar and honey can extend life by protecting the user of many proven killers.

Dr. Hen Lee Tsao writes in China’s respected journal of Natural Medicines.
'Patients given this miracle drink before breakfast showed a remarkable reduction in high blood pressure and cholesterol in less than a week.' Italian nutritionist Emilio Steffani adds, 'Years of scientific investigation by experts around the world have proven beyond a doubt that garlic, vinegar and honey are nature's magic potion.
'The three powerful ingredients are available everywhere and they cost only pennies a day. Considering all that these natural substances can do for human health, it is an amazing they are not more widely used' Dr. Jack Soltanoff a nutritional expert from New York, praises the benefits of the apple cider vinegar. He has recorded remarkable success stories involving arthritis sufferers,' I have seen many arthritis patients start to loosen up at once 'says Dr.Soltanoff. Some even call it (apple cider vinegar) a natural arthritis tonic that frees them from stiffness pain and throbbing aches.
Within just few weeks most pain wrecked arthritis patients can perform normal activities because of this simple tonic 'boxing legend Mohammad Ali reportedly take a daily dose of garlic. Vinegar and honey to fight the symptoms of Parkinson's disease and many other athletes use it to gain competitive edge. Dr. Tsao is sweet on the power of honey. 'Honey has been described as the perfect food 'notes the respected researcher. It contains at least 31 nutrients, 13 minerals, the component parts of nine vitamins six acids and four key enzymes. Patients, who took the traditional vinegar and honey drink daily, were more vigorous, had never cold or infectious diseases and in general were healthier than those who didn't. There is no question that this astounding drink can elixir can extend life by protecting you from many proved killers.
Honey not only makes your daily dose taste better. The sweet stuff also aids in your body's ability to absorb the medical properties of the powerful ingredients. Garlic provides in storehouse of vitamins and minerals, but what excites researchers most is growing evidence that allicin, an enzyme (amino acid) present in large amounts in garlic stimulates the immune system.
Here is how to make your own miracle medicine: In a bowl, mix together one cup of cider vinegar-use only cider vinegar, one cup of honey and eight cloves of chopped garlic. Place the combination in a blender and mix on high speed for 60 seconds, pour the mixture in to jar or other glass container, seal and have in the refrigerator for minimum of five days. Normal dosage is two teaspoon in a glass of water or fruit juice, grape or orange juice is best, before breakfast. A second dose, if desired can be taken in the evening.

(Contributed by Adarsh Mehandru in larger interest)

Pura Desh Nehru, Gandhi ke naam!

Over 450 Schemes named after Nehru, Gandhi

BUT Not Mahatma Gandhi.....

A "short" list of schemes, roads etc. for Nehru-Gandhi dynasty promotion with Tax Payers money!

Following is the list of Government schemes and projects; universities and educational institutions; ports and airports; National park s and sanctuaries; sports tournaments, trophies and stadiums; hospitals and medical institutions; national scientific and research institutions; University chairs, scholarships and fellowships; festivals; roads and buildings named after ,three members of the Nehru Gandhi family, Rajiv Gandhi Indira Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru, which has been submitted to the Election Commission . This list includes most of the projects, schemes and institutions funded by the Union Government and the Governments in the States.
In a planned and systematic effort to gain unfair advantage over other political parties, the Congress party has named all major Government programmes, projects and institutions in the country after three members of the Nehru-Gandhi family - Rajiv Gandhi, Indira Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru - who are its icons, and disturbed the level playing field in the electoral arena.

Over the last 18 years, on a rough estimate, about 450 Central and State Government programmes, projects and national and State-level institutions involving public expenditure of hundreds of thousands of crores of rupees have
been named after these three individuals.


1 Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana;
2 Rajiv Gandhi National Drinking Water Mission;
3 Rajiv Gandhi National Crèche Scheme for the Children of Working Mothers, Department of Women & Child Development;
4. Rajiv Gandhi Udyami Mitra Yojana;
5 Indira Awas Yojana
6 Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension Scheme;
7 Jawaharlal Nehru Urban Renewal Mission
8 Jawaharlal Nehru Rojgar Yojna
9.Rajiv Gandhi Shramik Kalyan Yojna;
10 Indira Gandhi Canal Project, Funded by World Bank
11.Rajiv Gandhi Shilpi Swasthya Bima Yojana

State schemes

1 Rajiv Gandhi Rehabilitation Package for Tsunami Affected Areas,
2.Rajiv Gandhi Social Security Scheme, Govt. of Pondicherry
3.Rajiv Ratna Awas Yojna;
4 Rajiv Gandhi Prathamik Shiksha Mission, Raigarh;
5 Rajiv Gandhi Shiksha Mission, Madhya Pradesh;
6 Rajiv Gandhi Mission on Food Security , Madhya Pradesh;
7.Rajiv Gandhi Mission on Community Health, Madhya Pradesh;
8 Rajiv Gandhi Rural Housing Corp.;
9 Rajiv Gandhi Tourism Development Mission, Rajasthan;
10Rajiv Gandhi Computer Literacy Programme, Assam
11 Rajiv Gandhi Swavlamban Rojgar Yojana, Govt. of NCT of Delhi
12.Rajiv Gandhi Mobile Aids Counseling and Testing Services, Rajiv Gandhi Foundation
13.Rajiv Gandhi Vidyarthi Suraksha Yojana, Maharashtra;
14 Rajiv Gandhi Mission for Water Shed Management, M.P.;
15Rajiv Gandhi Food Security Mission for Tribal Areas, MP
16.Rajiv Gandhi Home for Handicapped, Pondicherry;
17 Rajiv Gandhi Breakfast Scheme, Pondicherry;
18 Rajiv Gandhi Akshay Urja Divas, Punjab;
19 Rajiv Gandhi Artisans Health & Life Insurance Scheme, Tamil Nadu;
20 Rajiv Gandhi Zopadpatti and Nivara Prakalpa, Mumbai;
21 Rajiv Arogya Sri programme, Gujrat State Govt. Scheme;
22 Rajiv Gandhi Abhyudaya Yojana, AP;
23 Rajiv Gandhi Computer Saksharta Mission, Jabalpur
24 Rajiv Gandhi Bridges and Roads Infrastructure Development Programme;
25 Rajiv Gandhi Gramin Niwara Prakalp, Maharashtra Govt
26 Indira Gandhi Utkrishtha Chhattervritti Yojna , HP;
27 Indira Gandhi Women Protection Scheme, Maharashtra Gov;
28.Indira Gandhi Prathisthan, Housing and Urban Planning Department, UP Govt
29.Indira Kranthi Patham Scheme, Andhra Pradesh ;
30 Indira Gandhi Nahar Pariyojana, State Govt. Scheme;
31 Indira Gandhi Vruddha Bhumiheen Shetmajoor Anudan Yojana, Govt. of Maharashtra
32.Indira Gandhi Nahar Project, Jaisalmer, Govt. of Rajasthan
33.Indira Gandhi Niradhar Yojna, Govt. of Maharashtra;
34 Indira Gandhi kuppam, State Govt. Welfare Scheme for Tsunami effected fishermen; 35 Indira Gandhi Drinking Water Scheme-2006, Haryana Govt.
36.Indira Gandhi Niradhar Old, Landless, Destitute women farm labour Scheme, Maharashtra Govt.
37.Indira Gandhi Women Protection Scheme , Maharashtra Govt.
38.Indira Gaon Ganga Yojana, Chattisgarh;
39 Indira Sahara Yojana , Chattisgarh;
40 Indira Soochna Shakti Yojana, Chattisgarh;
41 Indira Gandhi Balika Suraksha Yojana , HP;
42 Indira Gandhi Garibi Hatao Yojana (DPIP), MP;
43 Indira Gandhi super thermal power project , Haryana Govt.
44 Indira Gandhi Water Project, Haryana Govt.
45.Indira Gandhi Sagar Project, Bhandara District Gosikhurd Maharashtra;
46 Indira Jeevitha Bima Pathakam, AP Govt;
47 Indira Gandhi Priyadarshani Vivah Shagun Yojana, Haryana Govt;
48 Indira Mahila Yojana Scheme, Meghalaya Govt
49.Indira Gandhi Calf Rearing Scheme, Chhattisgarh Govt.
50.Indira Gandhi Priyadarshini Vivah Shagun Yojana, Haryana Govt.
51.Indira Gandhi Calf Rearing Scheme;
52 Indira Gandhi Landless Agriculture Labour scheme, Maharashtra Govt.


1.Rajiv Gandhi Gold Cup Kabaddi Tournament;
2 Rajiv Gandhi Sadbhavana Run;
3.Rajiv Gandhi Federation Cup boxing championship
4.Rajiv Gandhi International tournament (football)
5.NSCI - Rajiv Gandhi road races, New Delhi;
6. Rajiv Gandhi Boat Race, Kerala;
7Rajiv Gandhi International Artistic Gymnastic Tournament
8.Rajiv Gandhi Kabbadi Meet
9.Rajiv Gandhi Memorial Roller Skating Championshi;
10 Rajiv Gandhi memorial marathon race, New Delhi;
11Rajiv Gandhi International Judo Championship, Chandigarh
12.Rajeev Gandhi Memorial Trophy for the Best College, Calicut;
13 Rajiv Gandhi Rural Cricket Tournament, Initiated by Rahul Gandhi in Amethi
14.Rajiv Gandhi Gold Cup (U-21), football;
15 Rajiv Gandhi Trophy (football;
16. Rajiv Gandhi Award for Outstanding Sportspersons;
17 All Indira Rajiv Gandhi Basketball (Girls) Tournament, organized by Delhi State
18.All India Rajiv Gandhi Wrestling Gold Cup, organized by Delhi State
19.Rajiv Gandhi Memorial Jhopadpatti Football Tournament, Rajura;
20.Rajiv Gandhi International Invitation Gold Cup Football Tournament, Jamshedpur
21.Rajiv Gandhi Mini Olympics, Mumbai
22.Rajiv Gandhi Beachball Kabaddi Federation;
23 Rajiv Gandhi Memorial Trophy Prerana Foundation;
24 International Indira Gandhi Gold Cup Tournament;
25.Indira Gandhi International Hockey Tournament
26.Indira Gandhi Boat Race;
27.Jawaharlal Nehru International Gold Cup Football Tournament;
28 Jawaharlal Nehru Hockey Tournament.


1. Indira Gandhi Sports Complex, Delhi ;
2.Indira Gandhi Indoor Stadium, New Delhi ;
3.Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium, New Delhi ;
4. Rajiv Gandhi Sports Stadium, Bawana
5.Rajiv Gandhi National Football Academy, Haryana;
6.Rajiv Gandhi AC Stadium, Vishakhapatnam
7.Rajiv Gandhi Indoor Stadium, Pondicherry;
8 Rajiv Gandhi Stadium, Nahariagun, Itanagar;
9.Rajiv Gandhi Badminton Indoor Stadium, Cochin;
10.Rajiv Gandhi Indoor Stadium, Kadavanthra, Ernak;
11.Rajiv Gandhi Sports Complex , Singhu
12.Rajib Gandhi Memorial Sports Complex, Guwahati ;
13.Rajiv Gandhi International Stadium, Hyderabad
14.Rajiv Gandhi Indoor Stadium, Cochin;
15.Indira Gandhi Stadium, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh;
16.Indira Gandhi Stadium, Una, Himachal Pradesh;
17.Indira Priyadarshini Stadium, Vishakhapatnam;
18 Indira Gandhi Stadium, Deogarh, Rajasthan
19.Gandhi Stadium, Bolangir, Orissa

Airports / Ports

1. Rajiv Gandhi International Airport , New Hyderabad , A.P.
2.Rajiv Gandhi Container Terminal, Cochin
3.Indira Gandhi International Airport, New Delhi
4..Indira Gandhi Dock, Mumbai
5.Jawaharlal Nehru Nava Sheva Port Trust, Mumbai
Universities /Education Institutes
1.Rajiv Gandhi Indian Institute of Management, Shilong
2.Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Aeronautics, Ranchi, Jharkhand
3.Rajiv Gandhi Technical University, Gandhi Nagar, Bhopal, M.P.
4.Rajiv Gandhi School of Intellectual Property Law, Kharagpur, Kolkata;
5.Rajiv Gandhi Aviation Academy, Secundrabad ;
6 Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Patiala, Punjab;
7 Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development, Tamil Nadu;
8 Rajiv Gandhi Aviation Academy, Begumpet, Hyderabad, A.P;
9.Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology, Kottayam, Kerala;
10 Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering Research & Technology, Chandrapur, Maharashtra are among the 98 institutions named after Rajiv, Indira and Jawaharlal Nehru.


1.Rajiv Gandhi Award for Outstanding Achievement
2.Rajiv Gandhi Shiromani Award
3.Rajiv Gandhi Shramik Awards, Delhi Labour Welfare Board
4.Rajiv Gandhi National Sadbhavana Award
5.Rajiv Gandhi Manav Seva Award
6.Rajiv Gandhi Wildlife Conservation Award
7.Rajiv Gandhi National Award Scheme for Original Book Writing on Gyan Vigyan
8.Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award
9.Indira Gandhi Prize for National Integration;
10.Indira Gandhi Priyadarshini Award;
11.Indira Priyadarshini Vrikshamitra Awards, Ministry of Environment and Forests
12.Indira Gandhi Memorial National Award for Best Environmental & Ecological;
13 Indira Gandhi Paryavaran Purashkar;
14 Indira Gandhi NSS Award
15 Jawaharlal Nehru Prize" from 1998-99, to be given to organizations (preferably NGOs) for Popularization of Science;
16 Jawaharlal Nehru National Science Competition
17 Jawarharlal Nehru Student Award for research project of evolution of DNA are among the 51 named after the family members.

Scholarship / Fellowship

1.Rajiv Gandhi Scholarship Scheme for Students with Disabilities
2.Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship Scheme for SC/ST Candidates,
3.Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship Scheme for ST Candidates,
4 Rajiv Gandhi Fellowship, IGNOU;
5 Rajiv Gandhi Science Talent Research Fellows;
6.Rajiv Gandhi Fellowship, Ministry of Tribal Affairs;
7 Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship Scheme for scheduled castes and scheduled tribes candidates given by UGC;
8Rajiv Gandhi Fellowship sponsored by the Commonwealth of Learning in association with IGNOU;
9 Rajiv Gandhi science talent research fellowship given by Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for advanced scientific research are among others named after the family members.

National Parks/Sanctuaries/ Museums

1.Rajiv Gandhi (Nagarhole) Wildlife Sanctury, Karnataka;
2.Rajiv Gandhi Wildlife Sanctury, Andhra Pradesh
3.Indira Gandhi National Park , Tamil Nadu;
4.Indira Gandhi Zoological Park , New Delh;
5 Indira Gandhi National Park , Anamalai Hills on Western Ghats
6.Indira Gandhi Zoological Park , Vishakhapatnam
7 Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya (IGRMS)
8.Indira Gandhi Wildlife Sanctuary, Pollachi;
9.Rajiv Gandhi Health Museum;
10.The Rajiv Gandhi Museum of Natural History
11.Indira Gandhi Memorial museum, New Delhi are parks and museums named after the family members.
12. Sanjay Gandhi National Park (Mumbai)

Hospitals/Medical Institutions

1. Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Science, Bangalore , Karnataka;
2 Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute & Research Centre, Delhi;
3 Rajiv Gandhi Home for Handicapped, Pondicherry;
4 Shri Rajiv Gandhi college of Dental Science & Hospital, Bangalore, Karnataka;
5. Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Bio Technology, Thiruvanthapuram, Kerala;
6 Rajiv Gandhi College of Nursing, Bangalore, Karnataka;
7 Rajiv Gandhi Super Specialty Hospital, Raichur;
8 Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Chest Diseases, Bangalore, Karnataka;
9 Rajiv Gandhi Paramedical College, Jodhpur;
10.Rajiv Gandhi Medical College, Thane, Mumbai are among 39 medical institutions named after the family members.

Institutions/Chairs/ Festivals

1. Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development. (RGNIYD), Ministry of Youth and Sports;
2 Rajiv Gandhi National Ground Water Training & Research Institute, Faridabad, Haryana;
3.Rajiv Gandhi Food Security Mission in Tribal Areas
4.Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development;
5.Rajiv Gandhi Shiksha Mission, Chhattisgarh;
6.Rajiv Gandhi Chair Endowment established in 1998 to create a Chair of South Asian Economics
7 Rajiv Gandhi Project - A pilot to provide Education thru Massive Satellite Connectivity up grassroot Level are among 37 named after Rajiv, Indira and Nehru, Pondicherry


1.Rajiv Chowk, Delhi;
2 Rajiv Gandhi Bhawan, Safdarjung, New Delhi;
3 Rajiv Gandhi Handicrafts Bhawan, New Delhi;
4 Rajiv Gandhi Park , Kalkaji, Delhi;
5 Indira Chowk, New Delhi;
6 Nehru Planetarium, New Delhi;
7 Nehru Yuvak Kendra, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi;
8 Nehru Nagar, New Delhi;
9 Nehru Place, New Delhi ;
10 Nehru Park , New Delhi Nehru House, BSZ Marg, New Delhi, are among 74 named after the family members.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Acidity - Causes & Cures

(1) CAUSES: Acidity is not a disease but the result or consequence of other diseases in the body.
In other words, a person could be suffering from some other health problems and acidity could be a symptom or disorder.
In this case, the acid formation in the stomach increases, which leads to (1) Sour belches, (2) Indigestion and
(3) Loss of appetite.
You may try and practice one or more of following cures which suites you best


(2.1.1) Take half a gram of SHANKH BHASMA and one gram of DRY MANGO POWDER. Mix both with honey and lick to relieve acidity.

(2.1.2) Mix green coriander, garlic, ripe tomatoes, ginger, salt and chillies. Prepare a fine paste and eat it to overcome different stomach related problems. It is very beneficial to eat after an attack of fever.

(2.1.3) Take 30 gm of FRESH CORIANDER JUICE to increase appetite within three days.

(2.1.4) Chop 50 gm onion and mix in fresh curd set with cow milk. Eat this to control acidity.

(2.1.5) Grind two-grams of aniseed, one gram of dry mango powder, ten grams of sugar candy and store it in a glass jar. Take three to four times with hot water to calm down all types of indigestion.

(2.1.6) Roast bitter gourd flowers or leaves in clarified butter (ghee) and prepare a powder. Take one to two grams twice or thrice daily to control acidity.

(2.1.7) Take equal quantities of white cumin seeds and coriander seeds. Eat with sugar to control acidity.

(2.1.8) Add a little bit of roasted cumin seeds in orange juice and add a little bit of rock salt. Drink this juice for relief.

(2.1.9) Grind wood apple (bilva or bael) leaves in water and sieve. Add 20 gm sugar candy and drink to overcome acidity.

(2.1.10) Mix Moolhati churna in honey and clarified butter and lick to relieve acidity.

(2.1.11) Grind 30 gm dry dates and 25 gm aniseed, soak in 200 gm water overnight. Crush nicely the next morning and add 10 gm sugar candy. Drink this daily to reduce acidity.

(2.1.12) Grind 100 gm tamarind (seedless), 25 gm cumin seed, and 125 gm sugar candy and prepare a powder. Store it in a glass jar. Take three grams twice daily with water to control acidity.

(2.1.13) Prepare a powder with eight grams of shora and ten-grams of sal ammoniac. Take four to six grains twice daily with water to overcome pitta. It gives instant results in case of acidity; burning sensation in chest, sour belches, etc.

(2.1.14) Chew lemon peels nicely and suck the juice to control acidity.

(2.1.15) Mix one spoon of ginger juice with equal quantity of pomegranate juice and drink for relief.

(2.1.16) Suck one clove daily after meals to control acidity and related problems.

(2.1.17) Keep a small piece of jaggery and suck the juice daily after meals. It is beneficial when sour saliva is produced due to acidity. It also controls gastric problem, and prevents foul air.

(2.1.18) Mix two grams of small harad churna in equal quantity of jaggery and eat it. Drink water over it. Take this medicine half an hour before meals and follow it for just three days. Acidity will get eradicated.

(2.1.19) Drink one spoon of gwarpatha (aloe vera) juice daily for relief.

(2.1.20) Take five grams each of drumstick root and giloy root and prepare chutney. Take it with hot water.

(2.1.21) Mix two cups of spinach juice, half-cup carrot juice and two spoons kulthi juice.

(2.1.22) Mix SUGAR in half spoon PAPAYA MILK and take this medicine.

(2.1.23) Add a little bit of SUGAR in RADISH JUICE and drink.

(2.1.24) Prepare kwath with four cloves, two pieces of harad and a spoonful of ajowan, and drink for relief.

(2.1.25) Grind ten grams each of mint, cumin seeds and black pepper and prepare chutney. Add one cup of water, boil it and then drink.

(2.1.26) Grind equal quantities of neem offshoots, and neem skin and take half a spoon daily in the morning on empty stomach with water.

(2.1.27) Wash three grams each of creeping grass and bathua leaves and chew them.

(2.1.28) Grind five grams each of dry mango powder, black salt, cinnamon, asafetida, pipal, and harad, then sieve it. Take a spoonful with lukewarm water daily after meals to control acidity.

(2.1.29) If acidity arises during the night then mix a spoonful of SODA BICARBONATE and equal quantity of LEMON JUICE in cold WATER and drink.

(2.1.30) Prepare chutney with a pinch of rock salt, a small piece of ginger and a spoonful of lemon juice and eat it for relief.

(2.1.31) Mix a spoonful of ajwaen, a pinch of rock salt and a pinch of asafetida. Take this and drink water over it for relief.


(2.2.1) Keep a lep of black mud on the stomach and tie a bandage over it. Apply the lep again if it gets dry.

(2.2.2) Take hipbath for ten minutes daily in the morning and splash water at regular intervals.

(2.2.3) Massage clarified butter (ghee) on both soles for ten minutes.

(2.2.4) Keep hot water bag on the stomach, back, waist and knees.

(2.2.5) Take a sauna bath in sitting position (can use a chair).

(2.2.6) these remedies are very beneficial to overcome acidity.


2.3.1 Drink cow's MILK, POMEGRANATE JUICE. Eat sweet lime, aniseed, grapes, dry dates, myrobalan, fig, old rice, kheer, juicy things, round gourd, roasted gram flour, etc.

2.3.2 Consume bitter gourd, gourd, torai, wheat flour, green leafy vegetables, Harad, garlic, and honey every day.

2.3.3 Eat fruits like papaya, guava, apple, banana, cheekoo, wood apple and myrobalan marmalade etc.

2.3.4 Stop the consumption of tea, coffee, alcohol, meat, fish, eggs, sweets, tobacco, stale rice, heavy food, dry mango powder, refined flour, potato, spices, fried things and snacks.

2.3.5 Do not consume clarified butter ghee, oil, curd, food that increases pitta, lentils, whole horse beans, etc. Do not get exposed to sun, and avoid constipation.

2.3.6 Stop the consumption of hot, acidic and bitter tasting food as they increase pitta.

2.4. CURE BY YOGA: Practice the YOGA of:

to overcome stomach disorders and reduce constipation and acidity.

2.5 CURE BY PRANAYAMA: 2.5.1 Pranayam is very useful. KAPALBHATI
pranayam should be practiced for five minutes every day.

2.5.2 ANULOM-VILOM and NADI SHODHAN pranayam should also be practiced for ten minutes daily to overcome all stomach related problems and acidity.

2.5.3 Regular practice of AGNISAR KRIYA is also very beneficial.

2.5.4 UDDIYAN BANDK keeps the stomach healthy and calms down acidity and other related problems.

Why people are NOT HAPPY

Why people are NOT HAPPY because
They are busy searching WHY Others are HAPPY

One thing I learnt in life is that
Most people don’t look for the truths of life;
They only search for someone to agree with them

Everybody seems to be special at first sight
but only very few will remains special till last sight

Our background and circumstances may have influenced who we are.
We are responsible for who we Become.

Love is second mistake created by GOD.
Of course Girls are first mistakes
but the fact is that both are so beautiful!!

Two places are most valuable in the World:
The Nicest place is to be in someone's THOUGHTS and
the safest place is to be in someone's PRAYERS.

Life has no pause buttons
Dreams have no expiry date
Time has no holiday
so don’t waste a single moment in your life.
Live it!!
Love it!!
Rock it!!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Heart Attacks And Hot Water

Please read this twice , if not 3 times
Heart Attacks And Drinking Warm Water
This is a very good article. Not only about the warm water after your meal, but about Heart Attacks. The Chinese and Japanese drink hot tea with their meals, not cold water, maybe it is time we adopt their drinking habit while eating.

For those who like to drink cold water, this article is applicable to you. It is nice to have a cup of cold drink after a meal. However, the cold water will solidify the oily stuff that you have just consumed. It will slow down the digestion. Once this 'sludge' reacts with the acid, it will break down and be absorbed by the intestine faster than the solid food. It will line the intestine. Very soon, this will turn into fats and lead to cancer. It is best to drink hot soup or warm water after a meal.

Common Symptoms Of Heart Attack...
A serious note about heart attacks - You! should know that not every heart attack symptom is going to be the left arm hurting . Be aware of intense pain in the jaw line.

You may never have the first chest pain during the course of a heart attack. Nausea and intense sweating are also common symptoms. 60% of people who have a heart attack while they are asleep do not wake up. Pain in the jaw can wake you from a sound sleep. Let's be careful and be aware. The more we know the better chance we could survive.